On Fire

It seems like the best dreams are the ones you’re having when something rudely interrupts your sleep.

There I was, in the middle of some-really-good-dream-that-I-can’t-remember when there was a tap-knock on my window and a “Jessie, open the door I forgot my keys!”

At first I was wondering if it was a trick and there was a creeper at my window (gosh, I have such optimistic faith in mankind! Everyone is out to get me, if you ask me.) but that sentiment didn’t last long and my next thought was “I’ll just pretend I’m sleeping and can’t hear her.”

Of course, immediately after that, my logical and honest mind kicked in.

Karma’s a biscuit, Jess. Open the door.

And so I opened the door for my dear mother. Mumbled a your-welcome. Burrowed back into my cocoon. Tried to remember the dream. Couldn’t. Woke up an hour and a half later anyways.

Fed the animals. And made these really good pancakes. I’ve made so many really good things today (I’m not blunt or anything) that I’d almost forgotten about these until I saw the pictures. Man…I’m on fiyuh today!

See, I’ve had various flours in my cupboard for some time, and yet – usually I just resort to whole wheat or white whole wheat. No, these aren’t white bean flour waffles – though maybe I’ll try that next (speaking of which – I used that in dinner! I surprise even myself some days.) These are coconut flour waffles! I nixed the wheat bran and WW flour in the usual recipe and instead used a heaping tablespoon of coconut flour and also added in some shredded coconut. This itty bitty change made a huge difference!  Texture wise…they were so much lighter and daintier. Whereas the usual waffles I make are pretty dense and…chewy? inside – these were more like your typical waffle.

It makes me want to play with flour every day. Or not. What’s your favorite flour?

This is irrelevant, but I'm throwing it in there for those of you who picture-read...I'm getting a little wordy, aren't I? This is from Sunday, when I hopped on Jiggy for a bit.

Afterwards (well, a while afterwards) I went for – get this – a runwalk. I’m digging them these days. It was sort of a crappy day so it was my way of telling the weather “alright, figure out what you’re going to do today so I can decide when I’m going to see the cutest pony in the world.”

My biggest motivation:

Don’t judge. I have…eclectic tastes. I’m not usually a rap fan unless it’s Jay-Z or rock-type rap stuff. And watching rap videos makes e really angry because I hate all the corny hand gestures. Like, seriously…you’d be a lot cooler if you didn’t try to look cool.

What makes me even more annoyed is driving down the street and seeing kids walking all alone and doing the same hand signs. I know, I know – I should just mind my own business. But they should stop doing weird things with their hands and use them to keep their pants from dropping to their ankles, because for some reason their belt isn’t doing the part.

Hi, my name is Jess and I might as well be your grandma.

On a different note but still a musical note…this is currently my favorite song of all-time.

I am no longer an emo teenager, but sometimes the music I listen to might suggest otherwise. I have no shame, nor should you.

WOW TANGENT ALERT. Back to weather…The weather didn’t really make up its mind so I went to see Teddiekins once I was done and we got rained on so I had to ride inside and holy run-on sentences I was so proud of him. It sounds silly, but since I didn’t want my saddle to get wet I decided it was time to face my “indoor fear.” Last we rode in the indoor it ended on a “You want me to move? Oh, thanks but no thanks.” sort of note before I took him outside. So even though all I did was walk around for ten minutes or so – he was good every. single. second. He was even offering to come round and was so. light. in. the. bridle. I wasn’t going to ask that much of him – but he offered, so I took it. While we were on a roll I threw in some leg yielding and side passing and he was a saint.

I wanted to reward him by taking him for a little canter in the meadow since it stopped raining but halfway there it started nearly downpouring so I just quickly trotted back to the barn.

I am a wimp.

And I like broccoli. And eggs…and cornbread…hummus…mustard. You know the deal.

And then I got to baking. I could have done fun things like business homework reading, but the monotony of baking was just singing my name, you know? 😉 In all honesty, though, so I’m not being a bad influence – I read the whole chapter for my intro to Business class that was assigned while dinner was cooking. Now I’m set for the week! Beat that.

These are, I think, my best bars yet. Which sounds silly because I’m always saying that…but I think I’m right this time. I also realize it’s silly because bars are really personal and I’ve come to the conclusion that a. you can throw anything you like in a bowl and bind it together somehow and make a granola bar, and b. people don’t follow granola bar recipes to a T because they adjust it so it works for them.

I’m going to go against everything I just said and share this recipe anyway. This is my take at making my own 9-Bars. I couldn’t be happier with the result – though I will say, for someone who has so many nuts…

In my defense, I'm not hoarding all the marcona almonds. One of those has cashews, but I those containers are wayyy easier to get into than the bulk-bin bags.

…I don’t have anywhere near enough seeds!! These would be (in the words of the fabulous Freya) ace with the addition of some more seeds (namely, pumpkin) which I will keep in mind for next time…but for now, they’re thisclose to being ace.

Birdseed Bars (name courtesy of Mama Exposures)

makes 5-6

Part One:

  • 2 T. sunflower kernels
  • 2 T. Ruth’s Chia Goodness**
  • 2 T. (heaping) chopped walnuts
  • 2 T. sesame seeds
  • 1/2 T. poppy seeds
  • 1/4 c. puffed millet
  • 1/4 c. + 1 T. rolled oats
  • 1 T. The Organic Whey
  • 4-5 large Medjool dates, chopped
  • 1/2 t. cinnamon

**I used Ruth’s Chia Goodness because a. I don’t have much plain chia seed left, and b. I liked that it has pumpkin seeds in it. Seedy is what I was goin’ for, here! You could easily get away with using regular chia seed – but maybe use a leetle less.

Combine all of the Part One ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Move on to part two:

Part Two:

  • 1/4 c. milled flaxseed
  • 1 T. pumpkin butter
  • 2 T. maple syrup
  • 1 T. molasses
  • 1 1/2 T. peanut butter
  • 2 T. almond milk

Combine all Part Two ingreds:

and then mix wet and dry.

Press down into a greased bar pan (teehee) being sure to smooth down firmly. I find using the back of a spoon works great.

And then bake for about 15 minutes in a preheated 350* oven. Admit how much you love me for just telling you now that your oven should be preheated.

numnumnum good! They’d be bomb with figs, too. ‘Cause I like to get figgy with it…you know.

If you don’t have pumpkin butter, don’t fret – either use a little more maple sizzurp or some other jam that would go with the seedy flavor. I love the addition of the molasses…I needed a little more syrupy consistency to have enough liquid, but knew if I added more than 2 T. maple syrup it’d be too sweet. Molasses was just the ticket!

Next I thought I’d make some goodies for work. I have a freezer full of bran muffins, so I didn’t necessarily want to make something for me, and my mom’s got a lot of [store bought] sweets so I didn’t really want more dessert-type stuff here to just go to waste.

I love Anja’s blog, and turn to her for sweets recipes that are decadent but not necessarily the typical sugar overload goodies. Just because I’m making something for somebody else doesn’t mean I need to throw my own healthy eating habits out the window. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with real brownies, but making surprisingly good treats for being healthy is part of my charm, non?! I like to surprise people.

I’m not usually much of a brownie fan – but these date brownies certainly piqued my interest. I followed it to a T, though cut back a hair on the dates. She mentioned it was very sweet with the dates, so I figured it’d be okay.

Lookit how monstrous these are!

Anyways – I even made a hot water bath to melt the chocolate. Now you know it’s serious. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before, except for…watching my mom do it. My carelessness almost ruined it, I think, as I was using a bowl that had water in it. I noticed the dangerous droplet just before the chocolate started melting it, though – and heard my mom’s voice ringing in my head…”never have a dirty bowl when melting your chocolate!”

I don’t know if that’s real or not, but I switched the bowl.

These brownies scare me. They are so dark. I am not much of a brownie person, though…so I don’t really know how good they are. To me, they’re a little “meh.” Next time, I’d add a little bit of oil. I think it might make them more fudgy, and a little less cakey. Although, there probably won’t be a next time. Not because they’re bad, but because I’m not a brownie person.

I’m still waiting for Henry to try one to tell me if they’re work-acceptable. There’s nothing worse than trying someone’s homemade goodies and thinking they’re awful, but having to act all nice about it.

I don’t want to be that person.

I asked my mom, but she’s the same as me. I guess that’e where I get it from.

New Developing: He just tried one. They’re good. Now you have it! Oh yeah, and I added walnuts. I think Anja did too, just forgot to say so in the recipe.

What’s your favorite dessert/sweet? What about your favorite treat to make for others?

Anyways. I spent all afternoon afterwards cleaning up the mess the ponies made with their hay. Since it got all rained on and was the last of their round bale, they made a huge mess and took forever to clean up.

Will not complain. Will thank them for giving me guns this summer. Have you bought your tickets yet? cause that wet hay is heaaaavvv-y. (harrrdee harr, harr!!)

Mo’s Pasta Alla Formiana has been screaming my name ever since she posted it. Having time to prepare it, a mom to help eat it, lots of tomatoes to use up and business homework to read while it was baking – tonight was as good as any other.

Rather than using canned tomatoes, I just blended two huuuge ones from our garden with the garlic. I also didn’t use any butter (I had faith, Mo, I did! But I didn’t have any butter). Or any measuring spoons, for that matter. Oh, and black beans for the protein…so I pretty much skipped “part two” and just added black beans to the pasta and tomato mixture. It might sound strange, but it worked. Topped with some mozzzzz.

I became so enamored with y business reading (insert eyeroll here) that I baked it a little too long – but even as so, this was fan. taz. tic. Hellloooo, baked pasta, I will be seeing you again soon. And I don’t mean the leftovers for dinner tomorrow, I mean this is going to be the definition of my winter. Please and thank you.

Go make it. You’re welcome.

And with that, I am out…here is my final sentiment:

I lub yoo all!


Filed under breakfast, cooking, dinner, foodblog, health, health food, lunch, oatmeal, recipe

34 responses to “On Fire

  1. How cool is it that you have a BAR PAN!? Hahaa, I had no idea those even existed but they sure make cute bars! 🙂

    • Yeah, is that really a bar pan? That is just adorable, and it’d be so easy to avoid cutting up the bars after baking.

      And I love those beautiful looking waffles, as always. I don’t usually like them, but I think the thinness of them is what catches my eye.

  2. I think you are just amazing! Everything looks incredible! I am with you on music…I am all over the place with it too. I think that comes along with being open minded and understanding. I can appreciate just about anything even if I don’t get it completely. Love the name of the bars! Perfect. Have a great night Jess!

  3. Post the recipe for those brownies! I want chocolate so bad I would make them right now. I have so many of your recipes bookmarked to make…. I need to start conquering them!

  4. Haha! You are waaaay too cute m’dear!

    There is seriously so much here to comment on… and I just don’t know where to start!

    I am totally with you on the music front. I listen to the good, the bad and the ugly 😛 … not including country. My favourite is Eminem, but lately I’ve been loving the new Christina Aguilera album and Skillet. All-over-the-place much?

    Congrats with Teddie! I don’t blame you one bit for not wanting to ride in the rain… perhaps the universe knew that you needed a little push to get back into the indoor ring 😛

    …. Oh my! I am seriously not a pasta-lover. I never seem to crave it or enjoy it much… but those pictures are turning me around. That looks fantastic!
    ❤ Tat

  5. What a great fun filled post!!!! I have the exact same dish that you cooked the brownies in!!!!!! It was my mom’s and ive never once seen it in a store – i actually thought it was my grandmothers !!!! It was funny to see someone else with the exact same dish!!!
    The bars look great – i have to find one of those pans to cook them in – so cute!!!
    That pasta dish looks delicious – love fresh tomatoes with pasta!!!!
    Have a great night!! xo aimee

  6. Those bars look so good! I’ve been looking for a good bar recipe, I may make those! That app is super cute!haha the only thing I can’t stand about App’s is how wimpy their tails are! :p She’s still a cutie , as are you! You look gorgeous in that last photo 🙂

  7. Bars n brownies… you are a girl after my own heart. I love the ‘monotony of baking’ (exactly!) too. Like meditation. With a delicious treat at the end 😉

  8. 10 years is a really good band! Love Wasteland!
    I have pretty mixed up tastes in music as well, I can go from Nine Inch Nails, David Guetta, Moby, All Saints and Beyonce on the same playlist!

  9. Mo

    Okay, I need to get:
    A) Coconut flour, since I’ve been hearing alll about it and how amazing it is but have been too cheap to buy it.
    B) Puffed millet. Cannot find it anyyywhere and I actually just tried your carrot-fig ‘nola (in my head I say “fignola” and feel like that should be something. Like, a fruit or the name of a breakfast cereal) bars yesterday. Amazing, but I only had puffed wheat which is so much bigger, so I technically used less dry ingredients than called for. As of a result, they’re a bit too wet haha. Deliiicious, though! But totally un-picturable – I was going to post about them but I’d rather make them the way they were supposed to be (I was out of all dried fruit except dates, so they turned into carrot-date bars, which is good but I want to try them with figs!) and then post about them. 😛 The moral of this story is, I need to find puffed millet and make all of these amazing bars that you’re coming up with. OR you can just start making bars with puffed wheat. DEAL? Thanks. ❤ 😉

    I'm glad the pasta turned out so well! And I should definitely keep in mind that the beans go well in the recipe – I won't always have unwanted smart ground around. 😛 I bet cannellini would go great in it, actually!

    PS – Boys who wear their pants super low annoy the hell out of me – even if they're not all, "Oh, I'm gangstah". My sister's boyfriend is 22, acts very adult-like, EXCEPT that his pants look like they're about to fall down. What I find funny is he's this super skinny guy and then his pants look like they were tailored for someone 200 lbs heavier than him. So he looks like he's wearing parachute pants or something, and every time I see him I accidentally end up staring at his ass 'cause I'm wondering how the hell his pants are defying gravity. *steps off soapbox*

    This was a lot longer than I'd intended it to be. 😛

  10. You were cooking up a storm today!!! For real, everything you mae looked delicious – I’m pretty much jealous you got to cook all day and I had to teach.

  11. Those brownies sound so sweet! I love it 🙂

  12. Michelle

    My friend, whom I dearly love, throws up crazy signs with her hands and has me take pictures of them. Hahah I don’t get it.

  13. “But they should stop doing weird things with their hands and use them to keep their pants from dropping to their ankles, because for some reason their belt isn’t doing the part.” <-Pretty much the best thing I've read/heard all day. Or all week. Or heck, all year. I heart you 🙂

    Those waffles look the BOMB! Oh wow. You have outdone yourself..

    I'm a brownie FREAK! The fudgier the better! I've been meaning to try black bean brownies but I'm not sure if I can go that far away from my beloved traditional brownies. What can I say, I love chocolate 🙂
    Love ya girlie!

  14. wow..you had a fun day of cooking! I LOVE JIGGY such a pretty horse!! reminds me of Catt..a appaloose pony i used to jump. yea..saggy shorts..ew. like come on with that. i liked the second song. 🙂 i’m so proud of you for doing your walk/runs! that’s great! i think as far as sweets goes..i just like some cream top yogurt! :)..it’s like dessert to me…and at night..a “desert” for me is: a smallish amount of banana oatmeal..HEAVILY coated in coconut butter. yeah..never really been a chocolate person..espcially chocolate flavored things..like cake..that’s gross.. if i’m feeling chocolate…just give me the (dark) chocolate bar is my motto.

  15. So much to say! I hate being awakened from a good dream (and it happens quite often when Ryan rolls out of bed for work and kisses me goodbye…the kisses I don’t mind, though!) Your day sounds like it was packed with the things you love, baking, cooking and riding. I loved seeing all the creations you made…especially that baked pasta. Yum! I am not the biggest fan of chocolate so I am never a good judge on brownies. Some people like them really chocolately, while I prefer mine less so. As for dessert? Carrot cake, always.

  16. Now I know why I can’t always comment on your posts. I just don’t know where to start 🙂

    Maybe I’ll start with thanking you for sharing your all-time favorite song. I think it’s going to be my song of the day. Then I have to ask you something. How do you make everything look so irresistible? I ate something so sweet for breakfast that I was sure I wouldn’t even think of having more sugars anytime soon but now I am under the spell of your granola bars. Luckily there’s a rational part in my brain that would go for the pasta 🙂

    Have a wonderful day! (whenever the morning comes in the US 😛 )

  17. Oh, so it was good for Teddie with some time off from the indoors work, then…glad you had a good “indoors” experience 🙂

    I love your food pics but thanks for cramming pretty Jiggy in there too 😉

  18. You are so frickin beautiful girl!! I swear you have the biggest eyes ever!!! (and seeing as you think everyone is out to get you :p I’ll just say, I’m being nice in a nice-way, not in a crazy-british-stalker-who-wants-to-kill-you-way..!!)
    Is that Jiggy in the picture? SO beautiful! I love that appaloosa colouring – that’s a’proper’ appaloosa imho (Chika is a fake :p).
    Favourite dessert…hmm…in restaurants, I used to love ice cream – no more,there is no vegan ice cream – but I love baking muffins. And I like baking cakes and bars for other people cos it makes them so happy 🙂 but yeh, I’m a muffin girl 😀

  19. Oh! And I’m 100% with you on the grubby teenage low-trouser thing – ARGH.

  20. I hate when somebody interrupts a good dream, specially because they are so rare.
    All your cooking is so inspiring, makes me want to cook&bake really a lot now

  21. I’ve been really curious about coconut flour ever since seeing HEAB’s coconut flour pancakes. My favourite flour is whole wheat. I haven’t really tried out any others yet! 😛

    I’ve never even heard of either of those bands you posted, but my taste is pretty varied too. I love indie and alternative, but then I also love oldies, cheesy 90’s song and top 40 stuff.

    My favourite dessert is pumpkin pie. I look forward to Thanksgiving/Christmas all year for it! 😀 But my favourite thing to make for others is cookies. Because who doesn’t like cookies??

    Have a great day Jess! 🙂

  22. Wowza – that pasta looks amazing! I’m a sucker for a good baked pasta dish.

  23. you are just about the cutest thing i’ve ever seen!

    and i’m so jealous you still have tomatoes… our garden is d-e-a-d for summer 😦

  24. SheACoffeeaddict

    TASTY! everything, every picture looked so delish (the ones of food of course:) )

  25. I have to make your granola bars!!!

    And a woman can NEVER have enough nuts and seeds 🙂

  26. Erinn

    I love your blog! Dressage, photography and food, my favorite things!

    Can I ask what kind of breeches you’re wearing in those photos? I’m looking for some good charcoal ones.


  27. Pingback: Hit or Miss « Healthy Exposures

  28. I don’t think I should read your blog in public anymore- I drool every time! Is there a way to contact you? I couldn’t find one and had a question for ya. Thanks! 🙂

    Communications Manager
    Chobani Greek Yogurt

  29. Pingback: A Few of my Favorite Things « Healthy Exposures

  30. Pingback: it’s that time of year… « Teenage Health Freak!

  31. Pingback: i love lunchtime « Teenage Health Freak!

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