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Hey guys!!

So, remember that top-secret mission I’ve alluded to briefly?!

Well…clicky here to see more about this:

Awww yeah. Oh, and

Almond Joy Butter. Seriously, you don’t want to miss this post…so head on over to my new home and make sure to update your Readers with the new feed URL!

(I tried doing a redirect but dont think it worked :\)


Filed under Uncategorized

More Blueberry Love

Did everyone incorporate lots of red into their days today?

…I didn’t. Unless you count “red” bananas.

I had to run to the co-op and Hannaford after my failed shopping trip the other day. I saw these adorable little babies and read:

slightly sweeter than a yellow banana, red bananas also have a subtle raspberry taste…

I was sold. I’ve never had a red banana.

…and I still haven’t had a red banana, but would it be weird if I’m psyched for breakfast tomorrow already?

I’m going to be so disappointed when I unpeel one of the precious little babies and discover it looks that same as a yellow banana, aren’t I? I’m imagining it to be…I don’t know…fuchsia or something.

Luckily, the co-op is never in short supply of dates.

Thankfully, they even stock the vegan ones.

It’s hard to find non-vegan dates these days, let me tell you.

Speaking of odd labeling tactics, though – my mom (cute as she is) was telling me how the peanut butter she always buys tasted different to her, and when she looked at the label realized she bought the “vegan” one.

Mom, a lot of peanut butter is vegan anyways…”

(p.s. can I get a high five for only buying what I need at the co-op today? I swear, that store is a booby trap. So much temptation. I do not. need. a giant tub of carob powder. I do not. need. more flours until I finish one up. I do not. need. any of these fancy granolas.I do not. need. one of every dried fruit/nut/jam known to man)

Anyhow. My day actually had nothing to do with Valentines day, pink or red. It didn’t feel very Valentines-day to me this year.

I’m not sure what Valentine’s day “feels like,” but apparently it’s something more than an ordinary day.

Or maybe I’m just still a little bit bitter about my failing and flailing Bruins.

Or the fact that I had to function on about 6 hours of sleep today because a. this sinus congestion is a total PITA at night, leading me to wake up about every two hours to blow my nose, b. I happened to get a little enamored with the Grammy’s when I realized they were on, and c. I’d keep trying to fall asleep and I’d have a million and one ideas flood my brain.

But first thing’s first. First, the breakfast I woke up to.

While I was blog-surfing last night, I saw Averie’s newest microwave banana oat cake – a blueberry banana oat cake! The oat cakes sort of remind me of a quicker banana scramble…and so when I saw the addition of blueberries, figured why not make a blueberry banana scramble?!

To make things super streamlined (and allow myself an extra twenty minutes of sleep in the morning) I mixed everything together before I went to bed. This left me with a consistency very similar to that of a breakfast cookie come morning. I added a bit more milk and then plopped it in a pan.

Lets pause and think about how cool the word “plopped” is. It gets my vote for best onomatopoeia. Say it with me: “…plop.”

Blueberry Banana Scramble

with coconut and ginger and a cashew-blueberry sauce

  • 1/3 c. quick oats
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1 T. wheat germ
  • pinch ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 t. ground ginger
  • 1/2 T. shredded coconut
  • 2 T. blueberry yogurt
  • 1-2 T. milk of choice
  • 1 t. chia seeds
  • 1/4 c. blueberries (I used frozen)

Mash everything together. If preparing this the night before, you will need to add a bit more milk come morning. Transfer mixture to a greased, preheated pan and flatten. Cook until golden on both sides.

See here for the blueberry-cashew butter sauce

As for that tofu? Well, I’m muddling through it still. Another scramble, this time with pasta sauce instead.

You would think that with all of the things I make myself, I would make my own darn pasta sauce, but no. I still buy the jars.

And yes, I burnt my onion rings.

Okay, so I need to know your favorite onomatopoeia. Just because.

Ever had a red banana?


Filed under banana, banana scramble, breakfast, dates, dinner, healthy living, recipe, tofu, vegan, vegetarian

WINNERS! (and Blueberry Yogurt Pancakes)

I think my butt hurts from sitting on it so much today.

Usually if I say that, I’m half kidding, knowing I didn’t just sit all. day. long. But that’s really the extent of what I’ve done, save for the 15 minutes I decided to do random workout moves so I could regain feeling in my limbs.

I had a bunch of work to get done today for one class in particular, a ton of work on a top-secret mission of mine that is proving to be quite a project as well as designing some things for a couple of lovely bloggers, and add to that the fact that we had company coming at 11:00 and a Bruins game on at 12:30, I knew I was going to have to work hard to make the most of my morning.

Yes, the Bruins game does take precedence over everything else on that list. D’uh!

I was fueled by the best, however. Maybe it’s weird, but I hate using this yogurt as a snack/part of a meal/whatever. It just seems too expensive to eat all at once. Is that normal? Instead, I like to make “sauces” with it for pancakes. Or heck, add it to the pancakes.

Usually I get vanilla, but they were out of stock of it last time I went. Major bummer. Either way, I also put off eating these for the said price reason. The best-by date was nearing, though, and I figured that it being blueberry flavored and the fact that I caved and bought frozen blueberries the other day was pretty much destiny.

I am frugal. Slash cheap. Sue me. I have high hopes for this summer’s show season with the boy.

Oh, right; the recipe. Because you’re not sick of my pancake recipes yet. (that’s a joke.)

Blueberry-Spice Yogurt Pancakes

  • 1/4 c. flour (I used graham, based on my obsession)
  • 1 T. (generous) cornmeal
  • 2 t. chia seeds + 2 T. water (mixed in a small cup)
  • 1 1/2 t. baking powder
  • 1/2 T. shredded coconut
  • 1/4 t. cinnamon
  • 1/4 t. ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 c. seltzer water
  • 2 T. blueberry yogurt
  • 1/4 c. blueberries (I used frozen blueberries that were uuuuber tiny – you might need more/less)

Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add in the chia egg, seltzer and yogurt. Fold in the blueberries.

Pour onto a preheated, greased skillet and cook until golden brown on both sides.

Blueberry-Cashew Butter Yogurt Sauce

  • 1 T. cashew butter
  • 3-4 T. blueberry yogurt
  • almond milk, to thin as desired

Whisk everything together. That is all.

The seltzer water is a baking trick I learned from Sarena. I wouldn’t say it is critical for the recipe – if you don’t have it, just use a milk of your choice (don’t sub plain water!) The carbonation makes them a bit lighter than they would be otherwise, though.

Does life get any better than blueberry pancakes?

No. Well, maybe it would had I used fresh lemon zest and juice – but I’m saving the lemons I have in case I need them to make lemon poppyseed cookies for a winner.

Yes, I’ll get to the winners.

But first: I think I’ve deduced that the Nasoya tofu is better when you are looking for more of an eggy-type dish. For me anyways – everyone else seems to love it so I think I just have high tofu standards.

There could be worse personality traits, don’t you think?

Barbecue scrambled tofu a la Matt.

Of course, after I added spinach, shallot and garlic, I realized I essentially made a deconstructed BBQ Spinach and Tofu Sammie.

Old loves die hard.

Onwards and upwards: The real reason you’re all reading this/”reading” this but really just skipping down to this part:

Did you know that wordpress has a little “hide/show kitchen sink” button in the add new post screen? I never had any idea, and had been missing Windows Live Write solely because I knew how to change font color and size as I saw fit.

Oh, right. Giveaway winners.

First winner issss…

Comment #45, Averie!

And secondly…

Comment #54, Mary!

And seriously, wordpress needs to number their comments or something. There’s nothing like counting down 50 comments on a computer screen.

ANYWAYS! Congratulations, ladies! Your wish is my demand. Shoot me an e-mail with your choice and I’ll hop-to.

Thank you to everyone for entering, though – I was shocked at how many people got involved with this giveaway!! So I will definitely be doing another one sooner rather than later 🙂


Filed under blueberries, breakfast, coconut, dinner, healthy living, pancakes, recipe, tofu, vegan, vegetarian, veggies

Drunk on Brownies

It’s a heat wave!

I think I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel that is the deep-freeze of January and February. It reached 30* today, and isn’t supposed to be below 20* (during the day) all week.

I am a happy girl.

Who had a wonderful ride on a happy pony.

Life is good.

And so is BBQ spinach and tofu.

My white balance, however, is not so good. Just pretend otherwise for the time being, m’kay? Please?

So remember how I’ve been saying I was now only going to buy the Vermont Soy tofu that I’ve proclaimed my love for?

Well, I guess I lied. For the sake of convenience (as well as the fact that I’m cheap and had a $1 off coupon thanks to the heads-up from Matt) I picked up some Nasoya Plus on my shopping-trip-gone-wrong yesterday.

I’m not gonna lie. I think I’m a Vermont-Soy-only kinda gal. Nasoya just doesn’t hold a candle. I’m not sure if I’m just spoiled or what. But the Vermont Soy tofu is so much easier to work with. I’m not sure that the taste is a huge difference, but at least I don’t need to press it for about five hours with my body weight in paper towels. And it gets a better “crust” and has a better texture all around. I’ll step off my soapbox now. One last thing, though, since every story has a moral…

Moral of the story: Vermont Rawks.

But I made do with what I had.

I hate to make a big deal out of a sandwich, but this simple combination is stupid good. And with it having a combination of onions and enough garlic to kill a cow, it lets you see who really enjoys your company enough to still hang out with you after eating it.

For one sandwich:

  • 1/4 of a small yellow onion, sliced
  • olive oil, for sauteeing the onions
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 “serving” (a.k.a. however much you want) tofu
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • hefty handful spinach
  • 1-3 t. barbecue sauce, to taste
  • 2 slices bread
  • earth balance/butter/whatever for grilling the bread

For maximum efficiency, you can do everything pretty much all at once: preheat a small pan over medium heat, adding enough oil to thinly coat the bottom of the pan. Add the onions and sautee, stirring occasionally, about 7-8 minutes, or until golden brown/beginning to get carameliz-y. Or just a little burnt if you’re like me…anyways. Meanwhile, preheat another large pan or griddle over medium heat. Place the tofu on the pan and spread a little earth balance/butter on one side of each of your slices of bread. Add to the pan with the tofu. Cook the tofu until it gets a little bit of a crust on it, and the bread until golden.

When the onions are done, transfer to a dish and add the spinach and garlic to the same hot pan. Cover and allow to wilt, stirring in the BBQ sauce. Once good and sloppy (trust me, it will be) assemble your sandwich by layering the onions on top of the bread, followed by the spinach and then the tofu.

After eating this, you’ll be a greasy grimy mess, but you’ll still have the satisfaction of knowing it’s really not all too greasy and definitely not grimy.

And because I wanted to be really stinky when I start sweating tomorrow, I decided to polish off the day with onion rings in which I used garlic salt in the breadcrumbs instead of regular salt.

And thanks to L, I even had real breadcrumbs to complete this mission with! I was as happy as a kid in a candy shop.

Who’d-a thought this turned out to be way easier than crushing a bunch of pretzels.

Oh, and by the way – cutting that onion totally reduced me to tears. I have been so sensitive to cutting onions lately. I don’t remember always being this way but I guess I should just be happy that I’m getting pretty skilled at slicing onions with my eyes clenched shut. I even got them nice and evenly sliced!

I’m kidding.

I am now proclaiming myself an onion ring fiend.

It’s just a shame I can’t find them this good anywhere else.


Luckily for you guys, this is a recipe that Isa chose to share on her website.

Second on the plate: no, I will never tire of sweet potatoes.

I’d call it a rut, but I prefer to call it a groove.

That gross looking yellow plop?

Curry hummus. Oh kale yes I went there.

I can’t take the credit for this genius, though – I saw it whilst flipping through Eat, Drink and Be Vegan. I did simplify it, though:

  • 1 can chickpeas (I used a 19 oz. can which I think is a little larger than most?)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 t. curry (the curry powder I have is a sweeter curry, I think. I’m not a curry connoisseur, though.)
  • pinch salt
  • hefty pinch dried chives
  • handful raisins

Drain the chickpeas, reserving the liquid in a cup or bowl. Add all ingredients except raisins to processor. Blend until smooth, adding in the reserved liquid as necessary. At the end, add the raisins and pulse a few more times to combine.

The “reserved-chickpea” trick is from Appetite for Reduction. I am a cookbook fiend lately, obviously.

By the way, try to stop eating this by the spoonful after your tenth spoonful straight from the processor. It’s really good on sweet p’s or onion rings and does deserve to show you that.

And since I was on a pieces-parts theme for dinner, tofu also made an appearance. Kind of.

Most of it was eaten before it made it to the plate. Sorry. I was waiting for the onion rings to finish cooking and it was right there! I couldn’t resist.

I followed the concept of this recipe for the ‘fu, but basically just reduced it to a combination of cashew butter, lime juice, salt, pepper and dijon mustard. It needed a hint of honey, but was otherwise just as good.

Rounded out by a spot o’ wine.

Okay, so maybe not quite. This cabernet brownie was in the Foodzie box I received yesterday. As you know, I’m usually saying I’m not a brownie person, but lately I’ve come to appreciate chocolate rather than feel it’s overrated.

See guys, there’s still hope for me!

I was surprised to discover I actually really liked it! Probably because it uses a weird flour. I’m a sucker for any  kind of different flour.

Like most things like this, though, it was so sweet after a couple of bites! Mreh, well.

At least if you have it you can say your drunk on brownies, whether you are or not. It’s got a ring to it, don’t you think?

What’s a simple sandwich combination that you love?


DON’T FORGET! You have until tomorrow to enter my giveaway!!


Filed under baking, chickpeas, cooking, curry, dessert, dinner, food, foodzie, healthy living, hummus, indian, lunch, recipe, sandwich, sweet potato, tofu, vegan, vegetarian