A GNU Giveaway!

Alright, babes. (edit: and boys!!) I am here to seriously knock your socks off this morning.

Remember when I mentioned how the amazing folks over at Gnu Foods seriously hooked me up with some bars?

Milkbone coupon not included

Uh, yeah, wasn’t kidding. They sent me two of every flavor – and, I bet you know where I’m going with this. You all know that I’m seriously in love with these bars. They’re packed full of good stuff, have a bomb ingredients list, have the.best flavor, aroma, and texture ever – and are so good for you!

Each of the bars I’ve tried so far – Banana Walnut and Cranberry Orange have tasted just like they should – freshly baked goods, straight from the Gnu Foods kitchen – not like any bar I’ve ever had. They also have the most heavenly texture – chewy and soft, but with a delightful crunch from whole flaxseeds thrown in the mix, too. I don’t think fiber bars can get any better. I mean, just scope the ingredients for the Banana Walnut bar:

  • Gnu High Fiber Blendβ„’ (whole rolled oats, organic whole wheat flour, wheat bran, organic kamut, psyllium, flax, millet)
  • chicory root inulin
  • fruit juices
  • rice dextrins
  • apples
  • canola oil
  • walnuts
  • rice
  • plums, bananas
  • wheat protein isolate
  • natural flavors
  • baking powder

Aw yea – that’s wheat protein in there, not soy. Thank you, Gnu Foods. I wasn’t kidding when I said they know what’s up.

I give a brief review of the Cranberry Orange Bar here, and a little more lengthy one of the Banana Walnut (my fav so far!) here.

SO – do you want you’re chance to give Gnu Bars a shot? Since they were kind enough to send me two of each flavor, I’ll be passing one of each flavor onto one lucky reader! The winner will receive the following flavors:

  • Banana Walnut
  • Chocolate Brownie
  • Cinnamon Raisin
  • Espresso Chip
  • Lemon Ginger
  • Orange Cranberry
  • Peanut Butter

And now – how do you enter?

Mandatory for entry: (one or the other, or both if you’re as into winning these bars as I would be!)

  1. Friend/Become a fan of Gnu Foods on Facebook
  2. and/or, if you don’t have a facebook – head on over to the Gnu Foods Website and tell me what you find most exciting/interesting about these bars. A fact, a flavor – anything!

Additional, shameless plug entries:

  1. Mention this giveaway on your blog and leave a separate comment saying so with the link to the post.
  2. Add me to your blogroll, and again – leave a separate comment telling me you’ve done so.
  3. I can’t think of anything else so hopefully that’s enough. bahah.

I will be choosing a winner on Saturday, April 17th. Please – U.S. residents only (unless I figure out a less expensive way to ship out of country? I’ll keep yas updated!) and also – please make sure for each entry, you leave a separate comment! I will be using a random number generator to pick the winning comment number.

Now GO!


Filed under foodblog, health food, healthy living

87 responses to “A GNU Giveaway!

  1. I love these bars! I love that they are chock full of fiber but have no refined sugars…right up my alley!

  2. Your on my blogroll!!

  3. I went to their website and love that they are perfect for “weight watchers” as I have been a WW for 4 years!! Fiber is our best friend πŸ™‚
    and the banana walnut looks delish!

  4. Corinne

    I am already friends with Gnu on Facebook and have been for a long time. πŸ™‚

  5. Corinne

    My favorite is Espresso Chip! Yum!

  6. mmmm ive never tried those before!! those sound GREAT

  7. woah holy mother of a giveaway…i just added them to my fb…my blog’s fan page actually yay!!

  8. i’m already a follower! πŸ™‚ duhhh

  9. I went to the website and saw all the flavors, I really would like to try the banana walnut one and also the mocha chip, but they all sound amazing!

  10. We also have had you on our blog roll for a while!

  11. Katherine: What About Summer?

    I LOVE GNU bars; I’ve only tried chocolate brownie and since TJs stopped selling them, I haven’t had any in like a year. I want some BANANA and RASIN in my life!

  12. Katherine: What About Summer?

    I’m their fb fan now too…

  13. junghwa

    i love their raisin one! but would love to try more!

  14. junghwa

    i’m a follower~

  15. junghwa

    i am a fan on fcbook already!

  16. The flavour that seems most interesting to me is the CHOCOLATE BROWNIE!!! I think I would devour this in about.00005 seconds. Gotta love brownies in a healthy form!

  17. *Andrea*

    went to their site and i think it’s great that they’re vegan!!

  18. *Andrea*

    also i follow you on google reader (don’t have a blog)!

  19. grace

    OMG I’ve been obsessed with Gnu Bars for about a year now, but they run pretty pricey at my local Whole Foods so I don’t find myself grabbing them often 😦 But I love every flavor! (Especially the banana bread!) Mm<3<3

  20. Woah! Nearl 50% of your daily fiber in one bar! 4 Lara Bars ( a favorite of mine)=1 Gnu bar!

  21. I like that they are healthy and fiberlicious!

  22. I’m glad there’s no soy in the bars! The espresso chip flavor sounds really good. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  23. Joe

    Already following them on Face Book. Love them all but Espresso Chip is my fave!

  24. Those look and sound awesome I can’t believe my “snack-bar-addicted” self hasn’t had these!

  25. Melissa M.

    They look good! I became a fan on facebook.

  26. That’s amazing, they have a lot of healthy flavors, i love these kinds of bars.

  27. I love how healthy these bars are- so much fiber!! And a great portion size to calorie ratio! thanks for this!!!!!

  28. Maggie

    I am fan of gnu foods on facebook.
    My favorite is Espresso Chip!

  29. I am a friend on Gnu’s Facebook page and like all of the flavors, but particularly the lemon and ginger ones. I order directly from Gnu by the box; it’s a lot easier than trying to find a local source.


  30. tosha25italia

    yay – I have been wanting to try these!! : ) I became a facebook fan. Check out my giveaway too – http://www.nannersbread.blogspot.com

  31. I first tried these when I was TDY in the Tampa area. There are no retailers in my local area who sell GNU bars. I can only get them when I order online. They taste great! My favorite is the Orange Cranberry. I have not tried the Lemon yet, I need to order some. They provide a great source of fiber. Thank you GNU foods!

  32. I like how much fiber is in there!

  33. I’m a fan on fb!!!!!!!!!! these are my favorite!!!!!!

  34. And the Lemon Ginger is my favorite…..tip: toast it for a warm lemon square-esque treat!!

  35. Cate

    I learned about inulin. Did not know that is functions as a prebiotic. I hope I win, but if not, I may have to order the sample box (with free shipping)!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. luxferra

    I think the best part about these bars is the fact that they are pretty low in calories compared to a lot of other bars… and they sound amazing!

  37. luxferra

    Oh, I am a fan on facebook now as well. ^^

  38. coffeeismycarrot

    I following them on facebook

    Love Love those bars. Lemon Ginger and Banana Walnut are my faves!

  39. coffeeismycarrot

    I went to their site and learned that…

    A High-Fiber diet can help expectant mothers avoid some of unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, including constipation and hemorrhoids

    Good for someone in their childbearing years to know for future reference.

  40. coffeeismycarrot

    You are now part of my blogroll. Yay!

  41. I order boxes at a time. I eat one bar every day. I make sure I never run out. I have been eating them for 3 years or more. I used to make people buy them for me from the only store that carried them in my area. Now I can get them from the Gnu website. Gnu lets you know on facebook (I am a fan) when they are going to be on sale.

  42. I love that their KOSHER! That’s so cute πŸ™‚ And i’m dying to try that espresso chip flavor–I loooove coffee-flavored anything (but i’m not even a big coffee drinker! haha!)

  43. And psh! Already on the blog roll!

  44. Lauren Smith

    I friended ’em on the beloved facebook πŸ˜€

  45. Kristina

    I love that they’re so high in fiber! and they sound delicious.

  46. Kristina

    and I’m now a fan on facebook!

  47. Bridget

    I’m a fan on facebook! I love these bars … they have a monthly autoship program too!

  48. Denise

    Fiber can reduce the risk of diabetes!

  49. kayla

    i’m a facebook fan! i love GNU bars but i can’t find them in stores near me so i have to order them online!

  50. kayla

    i love the high fiber content and would like to try the espresso one!

  51. kayla

    i don’t have a blog but i’m subscribed via google reader

  52. I am a fan of GNU on facebook!!

  53. Theresa

    i’m a facebook friend!!

  54. Danielle

    Whoa – Gnu bars provide nearly half of our daily fiber needs!

  55. Gina

    Yes! Amazing giveaway! πŸ™‚
    Already followign them on Facebook!

  56. Gina

    I love that they use plums in their bars, I’m used to seeing dates (not hating on them!) so it’s definitely a nice change.

  57. Mae

    I love gnu bars so much. They’re really delicious! I fanned them on face book and will link back in the near future πŸ™‚

  58. barefootgirl

    YAY!!! I’m a fb fan!! pick me πŸ˜‰

  59. silvermage2000

    Thanks for the giveaway. I just added them on facebook.com The chocolate brownies bars sound yummy.

  60. Tracey

    I love that each bar has almost half your daily fiber! And they taste great, too, which matters more than anything! Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  61. i became a fan on their facebook page, i would like the cinnimon rasain, bc cin raisan anything is my FAV πŸ™‚

  62. 50% of your Daily Value of fiber! I want to try these! They sound tasty!

  63. And you’re on my blogroll already πŸ™‚

  64. You’re on my blogroll!!! Which I can’t believe I hadn’t already added you…

  65. I am linking back in tonight’s post on my blog!

  66. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I didn’t enter this giveaway until now! GNU are my favorite bars (next to Laras, of course) but they are SO hard to find in my area. I’m definitely a fan on facebook :).

  67. I linked to your giveaway on my new blog post, which will be up at 9:00AM so I don’t have the link yet (but just go to my homepage at http://sweettreatsandveganeats.blogspot.com)

  68. Susan

    Yeah GNU bars! I’m totes a fan!

  69. i’m a fan on facebook!!!
    i bet all my friends are like WTF FIBER BARS!?!?

  70. girl, you’re SO on the blogroll πŸ™‚

  71. emilie

    the 12 GRAMS OF FIBER is amazing!

  72. I just became a fan of gnu on FB! In fact, that’s how I found your blog!

  73. I am excited at the thought of espresso chip. Because since it’s considered socially unacceptable (er, and would likely wreak havoc on my digestive system) to drink 10 cups of coffee a day, I could sneak in my espresso fix via bar!

  74. Yum~
    I posted the giveaway!

  75. I added you to my blogroll!

  76. Checked out the Gnu site- I’m especially interested in the fiber content actually. 50% of daily need!

  77. Erika

    And what if I’m already a fan of Gnu on Facebook?

  78. I really enjoy reading your blog and can’t wait to follow it!
    I would love it if you could come check out my blog and follow πŸ™‚

  79. I learned that you have to eat 1.3 FiberOne bars to get the same amount of Fiber from just ONE Gnu bar. I HOPE I WIN! I have never won a give-away and I really want to try these! πŸ™‚

  80. sarah

    I’d love to see if these uber healthy bars actually could taste like a choc borownie, and they contain half your daily fiber intake, WOWZA!
    I HOPE I win , you can’t get these where I live.

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