English Muffins and Stuff

Question: Was I looking forward to going to work today after finally having time to relax?

Answer: No. So I didn’t. I’m sick, can’t you tell?

…just kidding. More like…I didn’t want to risk life or limb driving in. It’s a wonder I haven’t blown away yet. In fact – it feels like today has been twenty different days all wrapped up in one.

  • Started off listening to wind howling, saying “oh hail no, I’m not driving to work,” and wondering when the roof was going to come off.
  • Realized it was going to be a long day not being able to a. go anywhere, b. bake (…much…), or c. get things done on the computer (due to aforementioned problems). So instead, started cleaning. A little obsessively, I might add. In my mother’s words, the kitchen sink is now shinier than she’s ever seen it. And she’s a good cleaner.
  • Listed stuff I will never use again on eBay. Like old show clothes so that I can buy new for (hopefully) next show season!
  • Mourned the loss of power and started layering up. Just in case, you know, we were out for three days again. Sorted through recipes.
  • Did an electricity happy dance when it came back on an hour later. Oh thank you lord.
  • Shoveled. A lot. There’s a lot of snow. It’s also really windy. Every time I’d throw the snow to the side, it’d just blow back onto what I was shoveling. It took some crafty maneuvering, but ultimately – I came out on top. You will not hinder me, snow.
  • Baked anyways.

Oh yeah, and was greeted at lunch time by THE best gift ever.

Jess sent me cookie dough balls!! It made me realize how I’m always the one giving away baked goods – and receiving baked goods from someone else (especially a wonderful friend!) was really exciting for me.

And my mom and her boyfriend. I’m told I’ll be making these soon. And I agree – they are phenomenal. See, for some reason I just kept putting off Mama Pea’s cookie dough balls (I don’t know why)…and Jess definitely found a way to suck me into the cookie dough cult! I’m not sorry.

Can you tell what else has gone on in my kitchen? Well, besides the gnochhi, various tofus, polenta-chickpea bake and cranberry-lime-coconut muffins?

You win…English muffins! Ever since buying the spelt English muffins that the Vermont Baking Company produces, I’ve been reminded of my slight obsession with English muffins. I mean, think about it…they’re soft, doughy, perfectly sized, crusty exterior and you can do anything you want with them. (oooh, racy.)

Add to that the fact that I had more fun making them than a cat has with a laser pointer.

Oh, and they’re easy. And now I have homemade English muffins. na-na-na-na boo boo!

I followed this recipe, though I think I ended up using 2 c. white whole wheat flour and only 1/2 c. bread flour.  Oh, and used honey instead of sugar. The only problem I had was that the baking soda was really difficult to mix in, and they could be a little sweeter. (well, according to my mom, it doesn’t bother me any.)

Of course, I don’t consider myself an English muffin conniseur. I enjoy them, but I don’t really care about nooks and crannies. I’m perfectly happy being handed a Thomas English muffin. Although these are way better, so that could change in the future.

I made some of them cinnamon-raisin, too. Though it didn’t backfire, next time I’ll have to remember to just create two separate batters from the get-go. Stirring in cinnamon and raisins after the dough had formed was also tricky…even if I did get sort of neat swirls of cinnamon 😉

And what better use for my homemade english muffins than to make flaxy french toast for breakfast?!

Oh, how silly of me – of course you can have better than flaxy french toast. Like when it’s smothered in maple peanut butter, grilled banana, raisins, maple syrup and sunflower kernels.


Santa brought me this peanut butter in my stocking. While I may have been on the fence about the previous Vermont Peanut Butter Company flavors – this “Harvest” peanut butter is a real winner. Like…I would take a bath in this if it was socially acceptable. Why bathing in peanut butter isn’t socially acceptable is a debate for another day.

Anyways. Does anyone else think grilled/caramelized bananas sort of resemble tongues? Because I do. And if I just ruined grilled bananas for you, I sincerely apologize, but I don’t mean it in a gross way.

Personally, I think it’s kinda cute! And you probably think I’m on crack right now, but it’s really just good old-fashioned time off that’s making me this loopy.

And in case you were wondering how I made my flaxy french toast (you probably weren’t) I’ll tell you.

I mixed together:

  • 1 tablespoon milled flaxseed
  • 2 T. So Delicious coconut milk yogurt
  • 3 T. unsweetened almond milk
  • hefty pinch of cinnamon

before halving an English muffin and soaking each half in it, on both sides, and poking the bejeebus out of it so it’d soak up the maximum amount of goodness.

I’ve also got a thing lately for grilling stuff in Earth Balance (or butter could be the alternative). It owns non-stick spray anyday of the week. Well, depends on the circumstances I guess because sometimes it’s just plain easier to use spray (like for muffins, or when you’re sauteein onions in olive oil…work with me here)

Anyways. I think you’ve heard enough from me for one day, even though it feels like I’ve got a whole load of recipes to share with you.

What’s your favorite snow day activity?

OH!! And because I forgot yesterday and was unable to deliver the message prior, Teddie says Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays:

…I don’t humiliate him or anything…not at all!


Filed under breakfast, cooking, foodblog, health food, healthy living, recipe

24 responses to “English Muffins and Stuff

  1. Baah 3 days without power in the snooww!!? How on earth did you keep warm?? Crikey.
    Oh the English muffins look awesome! I prefer English muffins to bread any day – so much tastier and more fun to eat 🙂

  2. movesnmunchies

    freakin insane english muffins- SO good..they have such a dif flavor compared to bread!

  3. A-hahahaha, thanks for Teddies Christmas card! Cheered me up super well after the major bummer looking at your bloody darn delicious muffins, which I can’t make for myself boohoooo, they just look so PERfect for a good cuppa 😉

  4. Hey Jessica! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Haha, I was jut thinking how that looks like a tongue sticking out at me on that French Toast English Muffin! I love caramelizing bananas! Makes that that much better! I also love making English muffins. It has been so long since I have done that. I have no idea why though. I am with you, I love baking on snow days. That and making home made hot cocoa!

  5. Teddy is a rockstar.

    I agree with Gabriela. Electricity and computer problems suck. My first thought is the heating/AC (gosh I’m spoiled, they didn’t have stuff like this in the days of yore!) and my second is the food in my fridge going bad. Yeepers.

  6. Oooh I love english muffins! I love the idea of cinnamon raisin muffins!
    Your comment about grilled bananas made me laugh so much haha! And now that you mention it, yeah they do look like tongues!! How freaky!
    On snow days I love baking to warm up the house and just curling up in front of my computer with a coffee looking at everything and anything.
    I can’t wait to see your recipes – I’m sure they will be delicious as always.
    Oh and Teddie looks ADORABLE! Very festive 🙂

  7. Funny that you should mention how many things you can do with English muffins… I just bought some today and I have no idea why! (Well, I do know why. It’s because it’s a company I can’t usually buy, and I got overexcited.) Enlightenment re: what else to do with them would be extremely welcome! 😉

    Oh, and I am right with you on the shoveling. No sooner had I lifted a shovelful of fine powdery snow than along came a huge gust of wind and literally blew it all right back into my face. Multiple times. Which was not appreciated.

    ❤ ❤

  8. Homemade english muffins look fabulous!!!! Im sure they are way better than store bought anytime!!!!! I too have been snowed in since yesterday – my favorite snowed in “things to do” – curling up with a good book, drinking homemade hot cocoa with almond milk and either baking or making a nice warm dinner!!!
    Love the christmas picture of Teddie!!!
    xo aim

  9. I’ve grown up in Canada, so it’s old hat for me to cancel work, school or anything else simply because of bad weather. Kinda of nice, isn’t it? 😛

    I’ve heard that english muffins are like the easiest thing ever. I should give it a try 😛 Especially because yours look ohsogood. Still, I’m more of a pumpernickel girl, which I guess is a good thing seeing as I’m off to school next week. Funny packages of dark bread with a nuzzling couple on it travels better than home-made english muffins. Right? Right.

  10. i love english muffins, those look great. i might try to make those but last time i tried a recipe with yeast it didnt work very well ;P but this doesn’t sound too difficult. im glad your power came back on. its miserable with no electricity.

  11. Man, now I want to make English muffins again. I just made cinnamon bread (a basic WW loaf with a tablespoon of cinnamon and extra milk) for my mom tonight and she loved it. I had a slice with some hot soup because my favorite snow day activity is to do my best to stay warm. I’m lame, I know, but at least I’m warm (kind of).

    That is one of the most adorable pictures I’ve ever seen by the way, and I’ve seen some pretty adorable pictures in my life time. :3

  12. I LOVE that picture of Teddy. He’s gorgeous.
    And the english muffins with grilled banana-tongues don’t look half bad either. 🙂

  13. Girl, you are TOO SWEET! And I’m so glad you liked them! Just repaying you back for the amazing baked goods you sent me not long ago 😉
    Glad your power came back on, that’s the WORST!
    And I understand. I loooove having time to do nothing but it gets old after a while. I like to read books or watch movies or bake (duh!)
    Love ya girl!

  14. I’m totally trying that recipe! Its hard to find really good gf grain recipes, especially english muffins and bisquits!
    Your pics are gorgeous and so is your horse!!

  15. The sugar cookie dough balls are seriously some of the best things out there. They may even be better than the PB ones…if my brother says so, it must be true. Favorite snow day activity = watching TV. My channels in my apartment suck, so I take advantage when I can!

  16. Yum I love english muffins- might have to give those a go sometime 🙂
    Esp the cinnamon raisin ones.
    How on earth did you manage in the snow for that long? I would have turned to ice!
    I love to make soup when it is cold outside, and then some baking after of course 🙂

  17. Hallelujah your power came back on! Even an hour without heat sounds terrible, let alone 3 days! I’m glad it didn’t come to that this time.

    My favourite snow day activity is going toboganning! When my city got hit with all that snow earlier this month, my roommates and I stole some trays from the cafeteria and tobogganed on campus. 😀

    I am so impressed you made English muffins. And the French toast you made with them looks to die for!

  18. So English muffins are my favorite carb EVER! I’m definitely making these today.

    Glad you got a chance to relax today and that the snow didn’t cause too many problems. And in case you couldn’t guess, my favorite day off activity is baking 😀

  19. Oooo I want to make gluten free english muffins!!!

  20. Karyn

    My favorite snow-day activity is sledding down a big hill like a little kid.

    But, OMG, homemade English Muffins? What a dream! I have a really hard time finding English muffins that are vegan and don’t contain any nasty ingredients like HFCS. And your flaxy French toast made with So Delicious Coconut Milk Yogurt looks insanely delicious. Can’t wait to try it all!

    Teddy is impossibly adorable. I want to reach in there and give him a big hug!

  21. Pingback: Tweets that mention What do you think of these homemade English Muffins & Flaxy French Toast? (We think they look pretty darn delicious!) -- Topsy.com

  22. Pingback: incessant english muffins |

  23. Nathalie

    Santa Ted is adorable!!!
    Oh you read my mind…I’ve had home made English Muffins on my mind for a while, but didn’t find a great looking recipe. Now I do- thanks! I can’t wait to make some. Salivating already.

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