If it’s Between You and Me

If it’s between you and me, I’m psyched that today was my last day working in insanity and I can now relax ad enjoy the holidays…although, if it’s between you and me, I feel like I ought to start a “Take Back December” campaign. I have plenty of wrapping and cleaning to do tomorrow!

If it’s between you and me, I’m a little obsessed with all things cranberry-orange right now.




If it’s between you and me, I was a little bit too excited to be having time for pancakes on a workday this morning, since my mom was home to take care of the horses.

If it’s between you and me, I really enjoy shoveling, and was glad to see more snow on the ground than was called for this morning.


If it’s between you and me, though, I apparently can’t focus my camera anymore. I think my eyes are going. Or I’ve just been too groggy-eyed these past couple of mornings!


If it’s between you and me, if I didn’t have this face to see every morning, I don’t know how I’d have survived the past month.




Because, if it’s between you and me, I’m beat. I didn’t know if I was going to make it through the day today.

If it’s between you and me, I’m usually biased against getting salads from pizza places around here, but seeing “mesclin greens” immediately made me choose A Crust Above for lunch.


If it’s between you and me, though, I almost always use hummus as dressing, and not the one I request.

If it’s between you and me, my hands are not as silky smooth as they would be if I took care of them…and have been moisturizing them rather than letting them get cracked and dry. Ow!

If it’s between you and me, I was a little disappointed when I came home and saw my mom chose not to make the quinoa-chickpea pilaf I suggested she wanted for dinner.


If it’s between you and me – the dish I made in its place gave me breath that is good enough revenge should we speak to each other in close vicinity.


If it’s between you and me, I’m a little bit obsessed with English muffins. As well as mushroom stroganoff.


If it’s between you and me, I really want a SuperCharge Me cookie right now…but cinnamon cereal will have to do.


It’s your turn:  If it’s between you and me……?


Filed under breakfast, dinner, lunch, oatmeal, pancakes

24 responses to “If it’s Between You and Me

  1. I’ve spent the past two days playing video games on my computer and trying to remember when I’m hungry.

    And I’m really anxious about tomorrow – it’s the big “cook everything to be reheated for dinner on Saturday” day! 😀

  2. If it’s between you and me, I think i may explode if I don’t get a break from work soon. I know EXACTLY what you mean!!! And is it just me, or did Dec. go by in a FLASH?!

  3. As a vegetarian, I’m not in the least offended by the Super Meat-boy video game my man is playing that pissed of peta so much.


  4. If it’s between you and me, I ❤ you! 🙂

  5. I love that Cinnamon Crunch! And all things cranberry-orange. 😛 I wish I had that snow..it’s 50* here. That’s not very “Christmasy” lol

  6. If it’s between you and me, those are fab photos to advertise a LUSH sugar scrub (so cuuuute! I’m so in love with your horses) and if it’s between you and me, I’d totally get some. Oh my gracious the weather does such a vicious thing to skin! A sugary scrub will hopefully preserve what is left of mah lips! Enjoy the break – I’m lovin mine!

  7. movesnmunchies

    if its between you and me… i secretly wish it weren’t xmas time simply because I do not have all my presents!

  8. Oi, i want that plate of stroganoff/English muffin!

    Between you and me, your breakfast pics made me weep inside with regret that I didn’t buy cranberries yesterday – I SAW some, and passed.

    But between you and me, I probably couldn’t have carried another iota of goods through the PILES of snow :-).

    Well, this doesn’t have to stay between you and me, but I just wanna thank you for blogging :-). I can’t eat much of what you post here, but it’s making me look forward to sometime when I can (fingers crossed) – it keeps me positive and hopeful about food. And lets not forget that pretty pony face! Seriously, I hope you keep enjoying blogging – and I hope you have gorgeous days with your family and your ponies these Christmas days. I can only second clean-eating-Chelsey on that 3>. Big cyber-hugs 🙂

  9. Hahaha, what is that 3>, you’re smaller than three? I MEANT ❤ of course! 😉

  10. If it’s between you and me…I can’t wait to get up at 6am tomorrow morning to open presents! I’m such a child! 😛
    Have a great Christmas, and enjoy your time off! 😀

  11. Jen

    If it’s between you and me, I think I’m way more excited about Christmas than my kids are 🙂


  12. If it’s between you and me… I’ve had absolutely zero motivation or creativity in the kitchen lately. All I seem to want is eggs on toast or roasted squash. >.<

  13. If it’s between you and me…I’m completely freaked out by the amount of cooking I have to do before tomorrow at 2.25 people is a LOT. Fingers crossed it goes well!

    Merry Christmas eve!!

  14. teenagehealthfreak

    if it’s between you and me, i saved a LOAD on my christmas gifts this year. and my hands are disgustingly dry too. takes to much time to put lotion on them. ha.

  15. If it’s between you and me, I envy you a little. Or maybe more than just a little 🙂 . Every picture you make is absolutely beautiful. Even without focus. I envy you for your snowy fairytale, too. No white Christmas for us. Again… And I’d still trade all white Christmases for photography skills like yours. Honestly. But it’s between you and me 😉

    Happy holidays, Jess!

  16. I’ll take your “unfocused” pictures over my “focused” pictures any day! 😉

    Oh, but if you want snow? Please keep it. All of it. ‘cuz I don’t want any!!

    ❤ ❤

  17. if it’s between you and me, can we be best friends so i can pretend Teddie is mine? 🙂

  18. If it’s between you and me, I’m kind of sad it’s already Christmas eve because I like looking forward to Christmas almost as much as I enjoy the holiday itself!

    Enjoy the holidays girl! 🙂

  19. elk

    If it’s between you and me, I read your blog and love your photography, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever told you that before.
    And also, I’m really craving a wholemeal english muffin, with ricotta cheese and Bonne Maman strawberry jam.
    Happy Christmas 🙂

  20. If it’s between you and me…I totally second one of the above commenters, in that I envy you A LOT! Your pictures, your food, your general attitude to life – you are SO awesome! Have an ace day tomorrow 🙂

  21. Loved this post, girl!
    If it’s between you and me… I won the iPod Touch! But nobody knows that… Because Grandpa gave me, and everybody else thinks I bought it myself. So… can you keep a secret?
    Merry Christmas, love!

  22. If it’s between you and me, I wish you could make me breakfast every morning 😀 And lunch, and dinner…yeah.
    But also, merry Christmas 😉

  23. Hi!
    My name is Micah, and after reading blogs for years, I’ve finally started my own. You, along with many other lovely bloggers have inspired me to document my journey to culinary school. I’d love it if you would check out my blog Sweet Like Tea, and tell your friends about it!
    Happy holidays and hope to keep in touch!


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