Cornbread Stuffing with Mushrooms

Well. This was an action-packed weekend!

We just sold Georgie. Well, not officially as in “she’s gone,” officially as in “she leaves this weekend.” Ironically, we just barely decided to officially post them as for sale this weekend. I guess it’s sort of a good thing that it’s yet to sink in…but I know she’ll be getting a great home.

In case anyone is wondering who I’m talking about – this girl:


One of the two ponies we “saved” this summer. We took them in with full intent of rehoming one if not both of them…though we sort of put it off as we were having so much fun with them, and with the winter freeze upon us we can’t really continue their training to improve their marketability. (That and I had secret dreams of going to dressage shows with not one but two Haflinger ponies.) But logically, I know I won’t have time or funds to train two horses in addition to work and school, and it’s not right to let one of them just sit because of that. As an animal lover, I know to put the animal first. Georgie is too sweet, too young, and has too much potential to sit in our backyard. Now she’ll be doted on and hey – maybe we’ll even compete against her! Wouldn’t that be something?!

She was definitely fun to work with, though Smile If I had all the money in the world, I would bring her to the barn I’ve got Teddie at to work with – but, I just don’t. And one is enough for me Smile

Anyways. I feel like I’ve baked up a storm this weekend as well as practically lived outside. Oh, and I have no AA batteries for my flash so I only have a couple breakfast pictures because daylight savings makes it dark for dinner and my lunches weren’t particularly aesthetically pleasing.


So instead, we’ll just talk stuffing. Or dressing. Whatever. A couple of you were curious about the cornbread stuffing I made, and since it was so good – I want to post it for my own safe-keeping, too! You’ve probably seen these pictures before, but just work with me.


I chose a simple cornbread for this. You don’t need some crazy-good, intricate cornbread – just something simple and traditional I feel would show it off best. I used Moosewood’s Vegan Cornbread recipe, which I can’t find online so you’ll just have to buy the Cooking for Health cookbook.


And, to give credit where credit is due – I never would have made cornbread dressing were it not for Sarena. There never would have been mushrooms had it not been for a stuffing recipe in Everyday with Rachel Ray. And there ever would have been a pear were it not for the ppk.


And before you ask, yes, I do enjoy reading Everyday with Rachel Ray. I choose that over Glamour and Cosmo all the time. And yes, I did sneak that pear in there just to defy my mother. After we were done, she said “And you didn’t trick me – I know you put a pear in there!”

She did love this stuffing/dressing, though.

Cornbread Stuffing with Mushrooms

  • 1 1/2 9” pie plates of cornbread
  • 3 T. Earth Balance or olive oil
  • 1 c. chopped onion
  • 1 c. chopped celery
  • ~2 c. kale, torn into bite sized pieces
  • 10 oz. package of white mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 t. dried sage
  • 1 t. salt
  • 1 c. + 2 T. vegetable broth
  • 1 medium red pear, diced

Preheat the oven to 350*. Cut the cornbread into approximately 1/2” pieces and spread onto a baking sheet. Toast for about 10 minutes on each side.

Meanwhile, heat the oil or melt the earth balance in a large pot over medium heat. Add in the onions and cook until translucent, then add in the kale and celery. Cook until kale is wilted, and add in the mushrooms. Cook until tender. Season with sage and salt.

Add in the toasted cornbread and gently incorporate everything together. Some pieces will start to crumble, but that’s okay. Gently stir in the broth and pear, and pour mixture into a lightly oiled 9×13 pan and bake for 40 minutes, or until lightly browned.

And trust me – you won’t want to wait until next Thanksgiving to try this…although you might want to halve or quarter the recipe if you’re only feeding yourself…this served four of us Thanksgiving day, and we still had more than half left. If I had to guess, maybe 10 or so servings?

What’s your favorite dressing/stuffing consist of?


Filed under dinner, holiday, recipe

16 responses to “Cornbread Stuffing with Mushrooms

  1. You know how I like my dressing. I have been thinking of playing around with it…not for the actual day of, but throughout the year. Yours looks delicious! I love the addition of mushrooms, kale and pear! YUM! I think what you guys do with horses is incredible. I have such admiration for your family. Have a great night Jessica!

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever had a vegetarian stuffing, and I’m not really sure I have a favorite, but I’d have to go with my Aunt’s stuffing (which unfortunately I didn’t try because I wasn’t certain about it and she made a ton of other goodies). It was a different kind of stuffing than the family was used to (think ground beef, bread, celery, StoveTop w/e it is that comes in the box) – she used pineapple chunks and raisins to give it a fruity flavor. I remember my mom thought it was horrible and I loved it.

    Sounds like you did have a good Thanksgiving, but just to say it anyways, I hope you had a wonderful time. I’ll have to try making a dressing for Christmas so I can taste one that’s not from a box. 😉

  3. I’m a Rachael Ray fan too. I’d take a cooking mag over a fashion/gossip mag any day. Pretty pony 🙂

  4. Dude. I love Everyday with Rachel Ray too. No shame 🙂
    My favourite stuffing consists of regular bread, celery, chicken stock, garlic, a whollotta onions and poultry seasoning. Simple, but amazing…. although I guess that is kind of biased because I’ve never had another type of stuffing. I LOVE cornbread, so naturally I assume that cornbread stuffing would be fabulous. Too bad I never get around to actually making cornbread for regular noshing as opposed to crazy recipes… Hrmph.

    Congrats on selling Georgie! I know it’s probably a little bittersweet right now, but I think it’s great that you found her an owner! I’m actually a teensie bit jealous, because I am having a lot of trouble finding a new home for a certain someone…

  5. Uh, my favorite stuffing contains…cornbread and mushrooms! Bookmarking this for sure. Stuffing/dressing doesn’t need to just be eaten at Thankgiving, right?

  6. teenagehealthfreak

    your stuffing sounds great.. we’ve always had cornbread stuffing..which i liked…but now that i know whats in freaks me out. gizzards????? chicken??? and what nots. plus the fact it’s pre-packed cornbread with who knows what…i can do without, don’t miss it at all..i was afraid of it as a young child always look unappatizing. HOWEVEVER, i could go for this….;)
    oh and….your a wonderfull mother to your horses!!! finding Georgie a nice home is only thinking of her future, so she can succeed! and if you competed against her…that would be cool…such a small world after all!

  7. That looks delicious! I ❤ stuffing.. and cornbread. Even though I can't have the cornbread.. I'll just live vicariously through you!

    I'm so glad your horse found a good home!!

  8. At least Gorgie’s going to a good home where she’ll be moving around. 🙂 It would have been hard to sell her, but like you’s for the better!

  9. I love that you put kale in this…will definitely be making it! YUM!

  10. Aww that must be sad to have to say goodbye to Georgie. 😦 But at least she’s going to a good home!

    Love the stuffing recipe! Although I probably couldn’t fool my mom with the pear either – she hates fruit in her dinners! 😛 She doesn’t know what she’s missing!

    Uhh I’m not actually sure what my dad puts in his stuffing! I think bread, olive oil, onions, celery, sausage and a bunch of spices? All I know is that it tastes GOOD!

  11. Ashlei

    The pear actually sounds good in the stuff! I love mine with lots of sage. The cornbread stuffing sounds like a great idea.

  12. Yeah… I’ll be bookmarking this. 🙂
    The best stuffing I ever had was made my my friend Jaime’s dad. I had never heard of using chorizo in stuffing before until did it. I spent last Thanksgiving with them and still talk about it to this day.

  13. Rachel Ray is like my idol that I sometimes admit to, other times not, depending on whether or not I feel like embracing the EVOO 🙂 She rocks.
    Cornbread stuffing is pretty great…not going to lie…especially since it’s often GF. Yours looks great!

  14. mmm this looks good! (as usual!) My favorite things to put in dressing/stuffing are apples, onion and celery and even craisins too!

  15. You’re so darn creative!
    I’m not really a stuffing was always the thing I picked around at Christmas! In fact, I don’t think I’ve had more than maybe a tbsp of the stuff in my entire life!!
    Congrats on selling Georgie 🙂 it’ll be hard but I so agree with your reasoning 🙂

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